Prison escapee Sylvester Mofokeng
Sylvester Mofokeng, a man once notorious for a string of serious crimes, has turned his life around and is now working to steer South Africa’s youth away from a life of crime. Mofokeng, who was convicted for multiple murders, housebreaking, hijacking, and numerous other charges, is no stranger to the inside of a prison cell. His criminal journey began at the young age of 11, when he was first arrested for housebreaking.

Mofokeng’s criminal career reached its peak during his time in prison, where he gained a reputation as a skilled escape artist. In an interview on the Skeem GP podcast, he claimed to have escaped from prison a total of seven times. He also mentioned that he had earned the title of “air force” in prison — a term used for inmates known for their ability to escape.
One of his most daring escapes occurred in August 1995, when he was shot and wounded by police during a rearrest after breaking out of Diep Kloof Prison. Despite facing multiple charges and spending the majority of his life behind bars, Mofokeng’s resilience and audacity made him a figure of notoriety within South Africa’s prison system. He even referred to himself as a “jailbird,” having spent most of his life in correctional facilities.

However, after years of living a life marked by crime and incarceration, Mofokeng was released in 2024. He emerged from prison physically crippled, a result of being shot during a crime. But his time behind bars seems to have transformed him, as he now describes himself as a changed man.
Now a motivational speaker, Mofokeng has been traveling to schools across South Africa, sharing his story in hopes of dissuading young people from following the same destructive path he once walked. With his personal experiences as a testament to the consequences of a life of crime, he encourages students to make positive choices and avoid the pitfalls of criminal activity.
Mofokeng’s journey from a notorious criminal to a reformed individual and role model serves as a powerful reminder of the potential for change and redemption, offering hope and inspiration to those who may be at a crossroads in their lives.